Fort Point National Historic Site

The Fort Point National Historic Site is a Civil War era fort that sits under the Golden Gate Bridge. We designed and produced a series of media experiences that reveal the history of the site and showcase the daily lives of people who worked at the fort.

The Design Minds
San Francisco, CA, USA
5,500 sq. ft.

Exhibit Design Collaboration

Media Experience Design & Production

Digital Interactive Design & Development

Tech Systems Design & Oversight

Immersive Theater Design

Voices of Fort Point

Immersive Theater

Reenacted characters and atmospheric imagery, projection-mapped onto the raw brick walls of the West Bastion, weave together storytelling and technology. A soldier, a laundress, a cook and others reveal the realities of life at the fort during the Civil War era.

Controlling Resources and Wealth

Narrative Video

Faux openings in a brick wall reveal some of the resources that first attracted people to the Golden Gate. From the fertile ecosystem that drew Native Americans to the gold that led to San Francisco's explosive growth, people have found riches in the Bay area.

Sally Port

Themed Media Environment

The Sally Port introduces some of the many people who lived in, worked at and visited Fort Point. Silhouettes, created from actors in costume, identify various groups using distinctive clothing, hats, accessories and implements.