National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium

In 2003 and 2010, our award-winning media experiences fueled the expansion of this museum complex dedicated to our longest river.

Christopher Chadbourne & Associates
Dubuque, IA, USA
60,000 sq. ft.

Media Master Planning

Exhibit Design Collaboration

Media Experience Design & Production

Digital Interactive Design & Development

Tech Systems Design & Oversight

Immersive Theater Design

River Museum Ups Ante on 'WOW' Factor
– Telegraph Herald

American Alliance of Museums MUSE Award Winner

Mississippi Journey

Orientation Theater

A trip from the source to the sea presents a stirring portrayal of the profound link between people’s lives and the river.

America's Rivers

Multimedia Experience

An imposing 24-foot map showcases the beauty, power and historic legacy of our nation’s rivers.

Our Blue Planet

Multimedia Experience

A domed projection highlights the importance of our planet’s most precious resource: water.